Episode 599 – splitting the difference

* (0:29) Interrogating Mary on her gaming history.

* (1:33) The last few days before Fear the Con!

* (4:54) The distinct moral perspective of a child.

* (7:39) Leif responds to our show on vertical creativity.

* (13:58) A thought exercise on who should win the 51/49 preference: players or GMs.

* (15:41) Wayne and Dan’s answers.

* (18:09) Mary’s answer.

* (21:12) Brodeur’s answer.

* (26:15) Dan’s retort about the assumed-risk of the Game Master.

* (30:51) The courtesy inherent in having a group with multiple GMs.

Hosts: Brodeur, Dan, Mary, Wayne

Comments (1)

JacobJune 16th, 2022 at 12:38 pm

I disagree with the thinking that the GM should run what the players want because I find that GMs run much better games when they are inspired. I need my GM to run the most thought-out and inspired game they have and that’s the game THEY want to run.

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