So far...
1 = "Spambot?"
2 = "Bofa"
3-4 = "Aarakocra"
5-49 = "BABUSHKA!"
50-99 = "'something' per Dan's request"
100-149 = "Pat's Knob Polisher"
150-199 = "Learn2ChadStyle"
200-299 = "Chris's Cane Boy and or Girl"
300-399 = "Wayne's Batman Costume ASSistant"
400-499 = "Dan's Road Rubber"
500-999 = "Teller of gaming stories"
1000-1499 = "I am the story stick"
1500-1999 = "Monostat Fanfic Writer"
2000-2499 = "LF's frikin' laser attendant"
2500-2999 = "Myopic Sycophant"
3000-3499 = "The Baron's Body Double"
3500-3999 = "NZB Leftenant"
4000-4199 = "Holder of the Stabbing Screwdriver"
4200-4499 = "( 1. Numbered List ( 2. Dan ) 3. Venn Diagram )"
4500-4999 = "Oboe's Crop Duster Co-Pilot"
5000-5499 = "Hot Cherry Bendovers!"
5500-5999 = "ZCE's Grandmother's Quantum Cat"
6000-6499 = "Harbinger of the Coz"
6500-6999 = "Skies of Glass Historian"
7000-7499 = "You Gotta Admit!"
7500-7699 = "Hot Wings Eating Champ"
7700-7999 = "Chad's Second Copy"
8000-8499 = "Power 16 Ballot Box Stuffer"
8500-9000 = "Ennies Ballot Box Stuffer"
9001-9499 = "IT'S OVER 9000!"
9500-9999 = "Considering a +1 Tattoo"
10000-10499 = "Actually Thinks They Can Take the Baron"
10500-10699 = "Looted the Well Giant's Boots"
10700-10999 = "Doesn't like Firefly"
11000-11499 = "Holder of FtB's One Opinion"
11500-11999 = "Sat through Dan's Cap Ship Lecture and didn't fall asleep... mostly"
12000-12299 = "VV wants you to know what she can do with 5lbs of pressure"
12300-12499 = "Chris's Embalming Fluid Topper-Offer"
12500-12999 = "Wants to try and hold a conversation in Pretty"
13000-13499 = "Yea, verily yea."
13500-13999 = "The Fang and Cape wearing, Backyard Wrasslin', 1987 Buick Skyhawk with Dixie Horn driving superhero"
14000-14499 = "Beat Dave... once..."
14500-14999 = "Minnesota Dwharves tosser"
15000-15499 = "Has 3! 3 copies! *Thud* er... 2! 2 copies!"
15500-15999 = "Teamster on the Plot Wagon"
16000-16499 = "John's Cougar Wrangler"
16500-16999 = "Danecture Stenographer"
17000-17499 = "FtB 9000 Compliancy Auditor"
17500-17999 = "Loves a Zinger"
18000-18499 = "Hussey Fluffer"
18500-18999 = "Word Association Game Enthusiast"
19000-19499 = "Has clippings from the Drug Tree"
19500-19999 = "Isn't afraid of all the Bears"
20000-20499 = "Asked for a custom title at some point"
20500-20999 = "Dealing with player relationships and their impact on the game."
21000-21499 = "LF's Cleavage Leveling Squad"
21500-21999 = "Curses, foiled again by multiple tabs"
22000-22499 = "Paid to GM"
22500-22999 = "Questing for the elusive New Title"
23000-23499 = "Red Boba Fet's Typo Checker"
23500-23999 = "FtB President by Sockpuppet"
24000-24499 = "Weapons Grade Facepalmium Smuggler"
24500-24599 = "Out"
24600-24699 = "of"
24700-24799 = "ideas"
24800-24999 = "Burma Shave!"
25000-25499 = "Pat's Nukular Powered Fire-Lazor Operator 110%!"
25500-25999 = "Hey Chad, any chance of a new title?"
26000-26499 = "Dice Trainer"
26500-26999 = "Substitute Dice Roller"
27000-27499 = "Player Possessed NPC"
27500-27999 = "Drinks like a Bear"
28000-28499 = "Horned Helmet History Corrector"
28500-28999 = "Chainsaw Pollster"
29000-29499 = "Rules Lawyers a Homebrew"
29500-29999 = "Last thing they smelled was lime juice..."
30000-30499 = "Has not pleased Chad enough to earn a Custom Title yet"
30500-30999 = "Believes Bacon can Improve Anything, even RPGs."
31000-31499 = "Z List Internet Celebrity"
31500-31999 = "Grognard Du Jour"
32000-32499 = "Chris's Embalming Fluid Topper-Upper"
32500-32999 = "Stanley L. Jackson's Fan Club President"
33000-33499 = "Cleric to the Wall of Text"
33500-33999 = "Posts are 70% derisive diatribe and 30% poorly presented advice"
34000-34499 = "Entitled"
34500-34999 = "Font of Dubious Wisdom"
35000-35499 = "Synergistic Obfusticator"
35500-35999 = "Chad-topian-sandbox-ist Thinker"
36000-36499 = "Official FTB Script Writer"
36500-36999 = "Nuclear Football Polisher"
37000-37499 = "Walking Taco Talker Upper"
37500-37999 = "Supports Pat 113.618%"
38000-38499 = "Group Template Groupie"
38500-38999 = "Unattended-Gnoll Dominator"
39000-39499 = "Chadorun Cyber-elf monk's bardic sidekick"
39500-39999 = "Wayne's Awkward Confessor"
40000-40499 = "I found the end of the forums"
40500-40999 = "Apparently I didn't"
41000-41499 = "XCOM Project Survivor"
41500-41999 = "I survived the Mayan Apocalypse and all I got was this stupid forum title."
42000-42499 = "Wayne's Soap Baby's Momma"
42500-42999 = "Immune to Shock Sites"
43000-43499 = "One of Johann's Dream Assassins"
43500-43999 = "Cheesecake VonBoobington's #1 Fan"
44000-44499 = "Knows Who Really Invented Clementines"
44500-44999 = "Kangaroo, Buffalo, and Chris, OH MY!"
45000-45499 = "Ducking Post Whore"
45500-45999 = "Canadian Girl and or Boy Friend. No, really."
46000-46499 = "Rolled to Meet a Good Group on the Internet and Got a Crit"
46500-46999 = "Aliit ori'shya tal'din"
47000-????? = "Exploding Dice Should Not be a Euphemism for the Family Jewels"