Roughly 3 weeks since leaving Gralag-Shtuh, 1496 AF.
This tunnel is particularly bleak.
In the utter darkness that is the underdark, the colourless monotony of your current locale soon blends into obscurity. The soft, steady sound of dripping water has been your constant companion for the last few hours, a monotonous drip, drip, drip echoing down through the ceiling above you.
The roughly hewn walls were initially of interest to you, splaying interesting patterns across your vision. Any enjoyment swiftly faded, however, as the minutes became first an hour, then two, and then more; one single tunnel without so much as a side passage, continuing endlessly with no end in sight and filled with the stench of bug.
The claw scratches were carved by a grubber, the large caterpillar-like beast whose trail you follow. Apparently, they grow extremely large, feed almost exclusively on fungi, and wreak havoc on friendly stone formations; your travelling companion, Blottur, started talking several hours into the tunnel, seemingly out of boredom, and has only recently relapsed into silence. It was he, being a Pech, who spotted the magical radiation coruscating down this passage from whatever destination lies at its far side.
Gradually you notice the gentle incline that your tunnel has taken. A soft light begins to irritate your eyes, not light enough to see normally, but just enough to blur the darkvision that you regularly employ. The welcome smell of… you’re not really sure, but it isn’t bug, and that’s welcome enough at this point. You intuitively sense that the tunnel opens up into a large space, wide enough to provide ventilation. You’re close.