The West Haven Weregild IC thread

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Re: The West Haven Weregild IC thread

Postby Arbuthnott » Thu May 18, 2023 8:46 am

Billie will, with support from the others, move to the front of the line; keeping her crossbow at the ready at all times, she does her best to spot anything odd or out of place while attempting to keep the coughing down.

Rowan resumes his vigil at the rear of the group, keeping an eye out especially for any sounds of movement back from the way we came. He draws out his mace, loosely holding that in his left hand with his billhook held in his right; as the tunnel grows deeper, he is prepared for it to also get narrower, and whichever weapon he uses he will readily drop the other.

Dollin keeps his place near the center of the group, his fingers nervously twitching towards his fire syphon.

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Re: The West Haven Weregild IC thread

Postby Fallout_Monkey » Thu May 18, 2023 6:02 pm

The group slowly and carefully advances. The tunnel continues for a ways and then, as the group is nearing a turn, Billie notices some foot prints ahead. They start out in the center of the tunnel and then veer right, away from the turn, then there a several prints with heels against the wall going around the corner.

The corner looks pretty much like at the other turns, though there is a thin grey line on the ceiling that looks like it might be a mineral deposit.
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Re: The West Haven Weregild IC thread

Postby Arbuthnott » Sun May 21, 2023 10:09 am

Coming to a stop, Billie holds one hand up and whispers "Wai' there. Looks like there's another somethin' up ahead; follow me carefully an' take i' slow."

And with that, she continues to walk ahead, carefully following the footsteps as they skirt the mineral deposit. She's careful to take one step at a time, keeping an eye on the mineral deposit with each step while pointing her crossbow around the corner.

As she gets roughly half way, she looks back. "Viole', can I have some ligh' round the corner?" She pauses mid-trap to observe the passage beyond the bend before continuing.

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Re: The West Haven Weregild IC thread

Postby Lord Foul » Sun May 21, 2023 10:44 am

Violet moves up to shine the beam of her lantern ahead of Billie, being careful to follow her footsteps.

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Re: The West Haven Weregild IC thread

Postby Fallout_Monkey » Tue May 23, 2023 4:04 pm

The light lands on a patch of six person sized mushrooms. Two are solid purple in colour, the other four are violet with purple spots. The four each have four leafy tendrils coming off their caps as well as several withing roots at the base of their stalks. As the area small area is illuminated the two solid purple mushrooms begin to emit a loud piercing scream and the violet ones begin shuffling toward the light.
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Re: The West Haven Weregild IC thread

Postby Arbuthnott » Wed May 24, 2023 3:08 am

With some of her most vulgar cursing, Billie skips backwards the way she came while loosing a quarrel into one of the mushrooms: violet if their shuffling is at least 10 ft. per round, purple if they're moving slower.

To hit: 10+3= 13
Damage: 5

Regardless of her aim, she rapidly skirts the trap back towards the rest of the party, making exaggerated shooing motions to Violet.

"They'll be comin' through the danger zone; watch ou' for more o' tha' slime!"

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Re: The West Haven Weregild IC thread

Postby Lord Foul » Wed May 24, 2023 4:16 am

Acker takes out his heavy crossbow and loads a quarrel ready to fire at any approaching fungus.

He stays back from the area Billie has told them to avoid, in case of things dropping from the ceiling.

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Re: The West Haven Weregild IC thread

Postby Lord Foul » Wed May 24, 2023 4:25 am

Violet backs off with Billie, puts her lantern down on the ground, with the beam illuminating the tunnel ahead for those who cannot see in the dark, and slips her shortbow off her shoulder, getting ready to shoot alongside Acker, Billie and anybody else.

If she has the opportunity for a shot this round, she rolls a 9+4 = 13, damage 1

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Re: The West Haven Weregild IC thread

Postby Lord Foul » Wed May 24, 2023 4:27 am

When his turn comes around, Doug moves up to just behind the archers, and presents his holy symbol to the fungi.

"By the power of the Grain Mother, I command thee to halt and be silent!"

He rolls a 16+5 = 21

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Re: The West Haven Weregild IC thread

Postby Arbuthnott » Wed May 24, 2023 11:07 am

Rowan winces at the back of the group, only just stopping short of covering his ears. He gives another look back the way we came into the light of Doug's lantern, and assuming there's nothing there he draws his bow and waits for whatever is causing that bloody racket to come into view.

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